Saturday, July 30, 2005


Am going to start collecting wanton abuses of our language. Lately I feel like I'm hearing them all the time. So we'll see if I can find enough to maintain a little substream of posts called "Englitch". If you come across any mutilated language, record it here using the comments tool.

28 July 2005
A Current Affair had a piece on "consumer distemper"... Woof!

30 July 2005 - 8.45am
ABC Radio 576: Guy being interviewed about ethical investing says that we saw what happened to James Hardie "in a reputational sense". Reputational? Is he serioustic?

30 July 2005 - 2.00pm
ABC Radio 576: News item on the London bombers says something about someone wanting to "disorientate the suspects". I suppose the situation is pretty dire if disorienting them doesn't suffice.

(Have just looked it up in a dictionary - just to make sure - and guess what? they both mean the same thing. Makes me want to cleave something!...)

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